hydrology treats of the water of the earth their occurrence circulation and distribution their chemical physical properties and their reaction with their environment including their relation to living things weather ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 07 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Hydrology treats of the water earth their occurrence circulation and distribution chemical physical properties reaction with environment including relation to living things weather in hydrologic problems metrology plays an important role which includes determination probable max precipitation for spillway design winds over surface evaluating resulting waves connection dams hydrological cycle various aspects related can be explained terms a known as engineering applications at are found operation projects dealing supply irrigation drainage power flood control all these investigations proper assessment following factors done capacity storage structures such reservoirs magnitude flows enable safe disposal excess flow min quantity available seasons solar radiation is s chief source energy it determines climate wave lengths usually given micrometers m short its range long about large part reaching outer limits atmosphere scattered absorbed or reflected from clouds vapor evaporation vaporiza...