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picture1_Selection And Use Of Resources

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File: Selection And Use Of Resources
one interesting thought one interesting thought pengajaran bahasa inggris gagal total pengajaran bahasa inggris gagal total media indonesia pendidikan dan kebudayaan 06 11 2000 00 22 wib media indonesia pendidikan ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 07 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...One interesting thought pengajaran bahasa inggris gagal total media indonesia pendidikan dan kebudayaan wib prof dr abbas a babib menilai yang diterapkan di karena kemampuan menulis mendengar berbicara dalam lulusan slta sama sekali tidak operasional ini merupakan kerugian tak ternilai bagi ketenagakerjaan perekonomian padahal masa datang bisa ditawar lagi akibat kegagalan kompetitif dunia bisnis kondisi harus segera diatasi jika dibiarkan kelak makin tertinggal dibanding negara lainnya asia tenggara kata dosen fakultas seni universitas negeri surabaya unesa sabtu teaching resources all the sources of information about language and that we can refer to for help in lesson preparation three important foreign determinants appropriately trained teachers favorable public attitudes high quality materials authentic i e use texts photos videos other were not specially prepared pedagogical purposes they contain reflect real world uses vs created pros cons advantages motivation cultural exposure...

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