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picture1_Portfolio Spreadsheet 42823 | Specsem Catastrophe 2000 Handouts Zeng

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File: Portfolio Spreadsheet 42823 | Specsem Catastrophe 2000 Handouts Zeng
optimal risk selection optimal risk selection outline outline use and misuse of cat model use and misuse of cat model optimal risk selection optimal risk selection example example 2 2 ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Optimal risk selection outline use and misuse of cat model example what a tells us loss probability distribution expected probable maximum k value at relative deal is riskier than b correlation constructing portfolio with high return on capital great problem solved underwriting decisions rate making reinsurance purchasing securitization s inside state the art science lack consensus in meteorology scientific community seismology key issues engineering experts best guesses given opinions for structure limited data damage modeling modern simulation computation hurdles technology vs convergence user responsibilities understand assumptions appreciate sources uncertainty independent evaluation integrate multiple models...

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