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picture1_Cycle Ppt 79796 | Ge 404 Lecture 2project Life Cycle And Time Management Process 0

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File: Cycle Ppt 79796 | Ge 404 Lecture 2project Life Cycle And Time Management Process 0
contents 2 objectives of the present lecture project management and project participants project management hierarchy project life cycle work breakdown structure wbs further reading ge 404 engineering management 9 7 ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 07 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Contents objectives of the present lecture project management and participants hierarchy life cycle work breakdown structure wbs further reading ge engineering to provide an overview discuss give time process is discipline managing a series tasks within given amount budget consist all individuals entities who either on directly such as team members consultants contractors sub influence internal stakeholders including functional managers executives sponsor customer client usually are listed in roles based leadership by looking at one can understand reports has authority implied or explicit over for example here s web owner manager leader database architect programmer designer html developer above we that turn finally there no standard generic but pm hierarchies same industry very similar consists four phases phase initiation concept planning execution monitoring controlling transfer closure...

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