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picture 6 Blue Ocean Strategy Ppt Files | Download Free Collection Files

6 Blue Ocean Strategy Ppt Files | Download Free Collection Files

Posted on 07 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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List of 6 Blue Ocean Strategy Ppt Files | Download Free Collection Files.
1. Strategy Slides 79336 | Blue Ocean Strategy En
picture Strategy Slides 79336 | Blue Ocean Strategy En
Blue Ocean Strategy Red Ocean Strategy Blue Ocean Strategy Competes on existing markets Create a new uncultivated market Beat competition Make competition irrelevant Exploit the existing demand Create and capture new demand Trade-off between value/price No trade-off between value/price Adjust all of the company’s Adjust all of the company’s activities for the sake of activities for the sake of both either differentiation or low differentiation and low costs costs Six ways towards blue ocean strategy Industry Strategic group ...
Filetype : icon picture PPT - Power Point | 0.30 MB | Free Download


2. Strategy Slides 79331 | Book Review Blue Ocean
picture Strategy Slides 79331 | Book Review Blue Ocean
Part One Blue Ocean Strategy Chapter 1: Creating Blue Oceans New Market Space Red oceans- represent all the industries in existence today: the known market space. Blue oceans- denote all the industries not in existence today: the unknown market space. Example- Cirque du Soleil was an “untapped market space” The Rising Imperative of Creating Blue Oceans • Driving forces to creating blue oceans: –Technological advances –Increase in supply and decrease in demand –Globalization • Trade Barriers ...
Filetype : icon picture PPT - Power Point | 0.78 MB | Free Download


picture Strategy Slides 79330 | Blue Ocean Strategy1
Cirque du Soleil Canada’s Largest Cultural Exports Created by Guy Laliberte in 1984 Global champion of the circus industry Circus/Theatre Hybrid Red/Blue Ocean Comparison Represents all the • Represents all the industries in existence industries NOT in today. existence today • The unknown market The known market • It is defines by untapped Industry boundaries market space, demand are defined and creation, and the accepted, and the opportunity for highly competitive rules of profitable growth • Innovation-based the game ...
Filetype : icon picture PPT - Power Point | 1.34 MB | Free Download


picture Strategy Slides 79317 | Appleslides2
1996 – the Apple debacle INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute 2012 2011 - Apple’s market cap overtook MS+Intel Market Cap (US $ billion, 06/02/2011) Walmart GE Oracle IBM Google Microsof Apple Exxon Mobil 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute 2012 What has Apple done in the last decade? INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute 2012 Financial Performance Profitability Market cap (US $ million) 281,963.0 25.0% 20.0% Revenue Size ...
Filetype : icon picture PPT - Power Point | 0.58 MB | Free Download


picture Corporate Powerpoint Templates 67706 | Bab 5 Dan 6 Strategi Pemasaran Global
Strategi Pemasaran Internasional 1. Corporate Social Responsibility (tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan) 2. Co Branding (merek) 3. Integrated Marketing Communication (komunikasi pemasaran terpadu) 4. Consumer Relationship Management (manajemen hubungan konsumen) 5. Return of Investment (ROI) Marketing ( pengembalian investasi) 6. Network Marketing (pemasaran jaringan) Karakteristik atau ciri-ciri Blue Ocean Strategy Red Ocean Blue Ocean Bersaing dalam ruang Bersaing dalam ruang pasar yang sudah ada pasar yang baru Memenangi kompetisi Membuat kompetisi jadi tidak relevan Mengeksploitasi Menciptakan dan permintaan yang ada menangkap ...
Filetype : icon picture PPT - Power Point | 0.11 MB | Free Download


picture Strategy Slides 75485 | Perancangan Aplikasi Mobile Pertemuan 2 3
STRATEGY Overview of competitive strategy: What are the high level goals of any company? Differentiation and pricing power Survival and profitability Porter’s Five Forces Model How to assess the landscape of your market “Blue Ocean” Strategy* A toolkit to identify areas to explore – creating a competition- free zone to reach the above objectives End goal: End goal: End goal: End goal: Understanding your business allows you to Understanding your business allows you to Understanding your business allows ...
Filetype : icon picture PPT - Power Point | 2.05 MB | Free Download


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