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picture1_Strategic Management Ppt 79621 | Vut Strategic Intent2c Performance Management Cello2c April 2016

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File: Strategic Management Ppt 79621 | Vut Strategic Intent2c Performance Management Cello2c April 2016
presentation layout 1 overview of vut strategic intent and structure 2 overview of people management philosophy 3 hr strategic intent and focus areas 4 performance management alignment to vut strategic ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 06 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Presentation layout overview of vut strategic intent and structure people management philosophy hr focus areas performance alignment to goals principles vision be a university that leads in innovative knowledge quality technology education produce employable graduates who can make an impact society by mission adopting cutting edge teaching methods creating scholarly environment conducive for creation learning innovation developing program qualification mix meets the needs africa beyond excellence creativity mutual respect collegiality values honesty integrity tolerance diversity objectives academic we identify constitute key institutional are critical achieving goal optimize improve student access success build curriculum enhance research output commercialization these essential factors create enabling effective achieve adequate levels funding sustain grow corporate image ensure human resources effectiveness transformation office vc executive director vice chancellor special projects p...

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