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picture1_Strategic Management Ppt 79510 | Mgmt105chapter5

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File: Strategic Management Ppt 79510 | Mgmt105chapter5
knowledge objectives nowledge bjectives k o studying this chapter should provide you with the strategic management knowledge needed to 1 define competitors competitive rivalry competitive behavior and 1 define competitors ...

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...Knowledge objectives nowledge bjectives k o studying this chapter should provide you with the strategic management needed to define competitors competitive rivalry behavior and dynamics describe market commonality resource similarity as building blocks of a competitor analysis explain awareness motivation ability drivers discuss factors affecting likelihood will take actions respond taken against it in slow cycle fast standard markets thomson south western all rights reserved definitions firms operating same offering similar products targeting customers ongoing set responses occurring between influences an individual firm s gain sustain advantages takes build or defend its improve position multimarket competition competing each other several product geographic total by within from why advantageous engage how what results figure source adapted m j chen interfirm toward theoretical integration academy review...

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