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picture1_Quantum Theory Ppt 79105 | Acin Item Download 2022-09-06 07-17-15

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File: Quantum Theory Ppt 79105 | Acin Item Download 2022-09-06 07-17-15
computational security standard classical cryptography schemes are based on computational security assumption eavesdropper computational power is limited even with this assumption the security is unproven e g factoring is believed ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 06 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Computational security standard classical cryptography schemes are based on assumption eavesdropper power is limited even with this the unproven e g factoring believed to be a hard problem quantum computers sheds doubts long term applicability of these shor s algorithm for efficient factorization computation computer device able manipulate information encoded particles devices allow one solve problems in much more way than x easy allows large numbers it was generate factors and then compute product functions direction opposite many cryptographic such as rsa alice bob multiply eve factorize if becomes enemy can break protocol theory studies how transmit mechanics set laws describing physics mathematical formalism microscopic world einstein planck bohr stored processed schrodinger heisenberg first transmitted half xx century shannon why now current technological progress miniaturization leads scenario where atoms or photons moore law size decreases exponentially time fewer very plausible...

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