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picture1_Behavior Ppt 78606 | Slide Psg105 Itp Pertemuan 5

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File: Behavior Ppt 78606 | Slide Psg105 Itp Pertemuan 5
pembelajaran 1 pavlov dan classical conditioning cc a prosedur b ucs ucr cs cr c extinction d spontaneous recovery e stimulus generalization f discrimination toleransi terhadap obat perkembangan pengetahuan tentang ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 06 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Pembelajaran pavlov dan classical conditioning cc a prosedur b ucs ucr cs cr c extinction d spontaneous recovery e stimulus generalization f discrimination toleransi terhadap obat perkembangan pengetahuan tentang lanjutan thorndike operant oc reinforcement and punishment primary secondary reinforcer berbagai kategori dalam diskriminasi diskriminatif skinner pembentukan respon shaping behavior chaining schedules of fixed ratio variable interval aplikasi persuasi modification...

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