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...Itp heat exchanger exchangersheat exchangers for food processingfor processing ltltllecectture ure nnnnootttte e principles of engineeringfood engineering itpitp prof drdr purw purwiyiyatnoatno shariyshariyadiadi mscmsc deptdeptdeptdept ofofofof foodfoodfoodfood sciencesciencesciencescience ttttechnologyechnologyechnologyechnology facultyfaculty agricultural ttechnologyechnology bogor universityuniversity bogorbogor learning objectiveslearning objectives understandunderstandunderstandunderstand bbbasicbasicasicasic ppprinciplesprinciplesrinciplesrinciples ooofofff ttthethehehe designdesigndesigndesign and operation exchangersand be able to list discuss various applications exchangersapplications describe tytytytypespespespes ofofooff heatheathheateat exchangesexchangesexchangesexchanges purwiyatnopurwiyatno hariyadihariyadi fatetafateta ipb purwiyatnohariyadi fateta heaheatt heating cooling syheating systemsstems o use a flow flowing ing fluid toto provide the or effectcooling effect e...