File: Quality Ppt 78570 | Jean Paul Assam Assam Documentation
documentation jean paul assam assam phd senior lecturer university of yaounde 1 cameroon learning objectives at the end of this module participants should be able to define good documentation practice ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 06 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Documentation jean paul assam phd senior lecturer university of yaounde cameroon learning objectives at the end this module participants should be able to define good practice and purpose laboratory as foundation quality management system qms cite essential documents required for know document control process importance master list complete records in compliance with gcp guidance understand audits format standard operating procedure sop index what is information meaningful data its supporting medium form paper cd computer file microfilm x ray film etc provides or evidence may serve an official record a stating results achieved provide activities performed guidelines are that recommended practices instructions policy plan adopted course principle action intended influence determine decisions actions organization procedures specify way carry out activity constitutes gdp legible everyone read written regardless who where has been concise must clear understood by all customers traceable re...