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picture1_General Knowledge Pdf 122862 | Major Points About Assam

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File: General Knowledge Pdf 122862 | Major Points About Assam
major points about assam know your state in pdf for ssc bank exams exams like ssc chsl ssc cgl ssc mts ibps po ibps clerk ibps so ippb sc i ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Major points about assam know your state in pdf for ssc bank exams like chsl cgl mts ibps po clerk so ippb sc i lic aao etc emphasize a questions based on various states of india which form huge part the general awareness section many government and all exam require you to be fluent with knowledge this articles provides detailed information history economy geographical significance flora fauna important sites tourist attractions also known as ahom is gateway north east it one largest region dispur no districts majuli world biggest capital river island became s first district formed january official assamese bodo language bengali high guwahati court northeast oil reserves were discovered well asia was drilled producer bamboos tea land plains valleys three principal physical regions brahmaputra valley barak upper surma south characteristics hilly between meghalaya west nagaland manipur central separating two natural tropical moist deciduous vegetation evergreen subansiri lohit tellu rive...

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