the team this talk is based on ongoing research by andrea delgado oak ridge national lab jim kowalkowski fermilab stephen mrenna fermilab darleen perez lavin naval information warfare center atlantic ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 06 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The team this talk is based on ongoing research by andrea delgado oak ridge national lab jim kowalkowski fermilab stephen mrenna darleen perez lavin naval information warfare center atlantic prasanth shyamsundar quantum computing for color reconnection physics motivation data analysis at hep colliders typically proceeds via comparison of real experimental to simulated under various theory models one stages simulation pipeline non perturbative qcd effects heuristic phenomenological are used lund string model can be simulate production hadrons observable particles from bare partons produced hard scattering process l und strings form which subsequently dissolve produce again heuristically t he doesn fit certain aspects well allowing a scrambling connections reduce an energy measure improved modeling known as brings us problem we trying solve using computers given quarks anti and gluons weights between all pairs task find minimum valid connection configuration sum edge improving improve se...