Computer Communication Network Text Books: 1. Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Data Communications and Networking” 2. Andrew Tenenbaum, “Computer Networks” 3. Kurose & Ross, “Computer Networking- A top Down Approach featuring the Internet” 4. William Stallings, “computer Networks and Cryptography” 2 Objectives 1. To explain the basic concept of computer communication network. 2. To explain the computer network layer. 3. To explain IP addressing scheme. 4. To explain network process. 5. To study Hardware aspect of network ...
1.Open System Authentication Establishing the IEEE 802.11 association with no authentication STA AP STA Probe Request Probe Response Open System Authentication Request (STA Identity) Open System Authentication Response Association Request Association Response Security in Wireless LAN (802.11i) CN8816: Network Security 2 2. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) WEP uses shared key authentication STA AP STA Probe Request & Probe Response Shared Key Authentication (1) (STA Identity) Shared Key Authentication (2) Challenge Encrypted(Shared Key Authentication (3) Challenge) Shared ...
The Current Internet: Connectivity and Cable Processing Modem Access Premises- LAN based Networks LAN Transit Net Premises- Private LAN based Core Networks Peering WLAN Transit Net WLAN WLAN NAP Analog Operator- Public Transit Net RAS DSLAM based Peering Cell H.323 Data Cell Data H.323 Cell Wireline Regional PSTN Regional Voice Voice How can it affect cell phones? Cabir worm can infect a cell phone Infect phones running Symbian OS Started in Philippines at the end of 2004, surfaced ...
Last time • LANs • Wireless LANs (WLANs) • Now connections between networks 2 Introduction Many times it is necessary to connect a local area network to another local area network or to a wide area network. Local area network to local area network connections are often performed with a bridge. Local area network to wide area network connections are usually performed with a router. A third device, the switch, can be used to interconnect segments of a local area ...