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picture1_Network Ppt Repost 77781 | Slide Inf102 Inf102 Slide 06

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File: Network Ppt Repost 77781 | Slide Inf102 Inf102 Slide 06
chapter 6 building a home network networking essentials presentation id 2008 cisco systems inc all rights reserved cisco confidential 8 chapter 6 sections objectives 6 1 what does a home ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 03 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Chapter building a home network networking essentials presentation id cisco systems inc all rights reserved confidential sections objectives what does look like compare different types of connections how wi fi work explain functions setting up your wireless connect pc clients to router choosing isp services the options available for connecting an security considerations in configure lan device protect data and mobile devices use various technologies basics is small with that integrated connected internet most likely equipped both wired capabilities as new come on market more household will rely provide connectivity control business routers typically have two primary ports ethernet port electromagnetic waves carry information between frequently used networks are unlicensed ghz frequency ranges commonly implemented protocol uses suite protocols allow communicate over connection...

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