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picture1_Shortwave Diathermy Ppt 78243 | Types Of Diathermy

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File: Shortwave Diathermy Ppt 78243 | Types Of Diathermy
microwave diathermy microwave diathermy mwd is a high frequency electromagnetic radiation lies between infrared and shortwave their frequency ranges between 300 3000mhz with corresponding frequency mhz wavelength cm wavelengths of ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 04 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Microwave diathermy mwd is a high frequency electromagnetic radiation lies between infrared and shortwave their ranges mhz with corresponding wavelength cm wavelengths of m mm generator power supply magnetron timing circuit applicators emitter director magnetro n the frequencies micro thermy are obtained from which perforated tiny holes through electrons flow into treatment heads special design shapes focuses field directly at target area whole device used to direct waves onto tissues applicator must be very flat avoid reflection energy circular shape rectangular shaped diameter inches x temperature maximum periphery central each principle related use deep heating modality emits strong electrical little magnetic depth penetration dependent produces much more localized concentrated effect than swd providing shallow tissue depends on type involved refraction absorption...

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