introduction longwave diathermy operates at a frequency range of 0 3 1mhz the high frequency current produces heat deep into the tissues which lasts for around 30 minutes longwave diathermy ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Introduction longwave diathermy operates at a frequency range of mhz the high current produces heat deep into tissues which lasts for around minutes involves generation oscillating electromagnetic fields emf that are comprised both electrical and magnetic variations in strength these dependent upon several factors including unit characteristics applicator like capacitive electrodes electric produce biological by inducing rapidly alternating movement ions rotation dipolar molecules distortion non polar represents real flow occurs readily rich electrolytes such as blood vessels muscle theraputic effects activity lwd field molecular level fatty causes to strongly adipose tissue vigorously because it is permeated small contain solution generated then retained due insulating properties fat allowing temperature develop fibrous not particularly either or usually shows moderate elevation general response compares closely with from other methods heating common indications contraindications simi...