Organograms/Structure Charts This presentation contains a variety of organograms. Some using the wizard tool, some using text boxes. • Select the most appropriate chart and delete the other pages. • Edit the chart to reflect the organisational structure in which the job to be evaluated sits. • Clearly mark/highlight which job(s) is to be evaluated and remove the requested grade for that job (you CAN include the grades of other jobs in the organisational structure.) • Think about the vertical hierarchy of the structure from the job being evaluated UPWARDS (i.e. include immediate peer colleagues and line management ...
Kegunaan Teknik Sistem dalam Auditing Apa komponen dasar dalam Auditing? 1 Audit intern biasanya termasuk beberapa tipe pengujian lengkap. 2 Audit Laporan Keuangan yang melibatkan pengujian substantive. 2001 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Accounting Information Systems, 8/E, Bodnar/Hopwood 2 - 2 Evaluasi Pengendalian Internal Auditor biasanya memperhatikan aliran proses dan distribusi dokumen dalam pelaksanaan sistem. Auditor memerlukan teknik yang terstruktur sistematis sesuai dengan yang dipelajari. Auditor menggunakan flow chart untuk menganalisis distribusi dokumen dalam sebuah sistem. 2001 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Accounting Information Systems, 8/E, Bodnar/Hopwood 2 - 3 Pengujian Compliance Auditor melakukan pengujian compliance untuk meyakinkan keberadaan, memeriksa keefektifan dan ...