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picture1_Ppt Physical Therapy 78148 | Sprains And Strains

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File: Ppt Physical Therapy 78148 | Sprains And Strains
topics sprains and strains what are they causes difference between sprains and strains common types how and where they occur signs symptoms treatment ways to prevent ppt 053 02 2 ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 04 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Topics sprains and strains what are they causes difference between common types how where occur signs symptoms treatment ways to prevent ppt two of msds or musculoskeletal disorders msd s injuries the o muscles nerves tendons joints cartilage supporting structures upper lower limbs neck back that caused precipitated exacerbated by sudden exertion prolonged exposure physical factors e g force repetition vibration awkward posture cdc niosh excessive reaching bending lifting gripping squatting twisting hands shoulders body any work performed with high many repetitions in an position a sprain is stretch tear ligament band fibrous tissue connects more bones at joint stretched too far from normal one ligaments may be injured same time most sprained ankle strain injury muscle tendon thick tough cord bone can as simple overstretching it partial complete strained...

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