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picture1_Framework Powerpoint 77994 | Uwmadison Datagovernance Tltag Jason Fishbain

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File: Framework Powerpoint 77994 | Uwmadison Datagovernance Tltag Jason Fishbain
background provost deluca commissioned a task force to develop a comprehensive data governance framework while balancing the institution s need for data with compliance privacy security requirements honor the stewardship ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 04 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Background provost deluca commissioned a task force to develop comprehensive data governance framework while balancing the institution s need for with compliance privacy security requirements honor stewardship of eliminate barriers legitimate use encompass responsible means access and storage recommendations create chief officer role establish management structure support teams communities practitioners plans program socialized through shared advisory committees itc mtag university committee examples classification when we say institutional what do mean is restricted vs public policies dealing handling each determining administrative policy procedure provide resources securely storing classified external sources research analysis dictionary business definitions steering vp cdo info tech it vcfa vcrge enroll ex council cio mgmt officio assistant vice associate chancellor information graducate hipaa exec imlg bus services director apir education board campus pci ct risk professor dtag co...

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