american league manager s meeting agenda call meeting to order jason kueser president general announcements jason kueser rick murrow umpires aaron garnett uic equipment pickup rick murrow covid rules jason ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 07 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...American league manager s meeting agenda call to order jason kueser president general announcements rick murrow umpires aaron garnett uic equipment pickup covid rules pictures summit studio q a lsba introductions brent walker board of directors executive jkueser lsbaseball com vice rmurrow treasurer bwalker secretary glenn boor gboor division representatives t ball coach pitch travis pirtle tpirtle rookie pinto cory faris cfaris mustang bronco chris crowder ccrowder pony colt registrar cortney game scheduler doug salanski schedules sponsors jaime practice schedule committee updates jim baxter website info scorekeeping training older scheduled soon virtual tbd pitching al practices start date monday april th season may nd end july weather permitting all star weekend tournaments backup for asg or cont d background checks managers coaches https fcas wufoo forms o previous check other sports form fields teams reps legacy park be finalized by insurance if issues contact representative cover...