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picture1_Growth Mindset Powerpoint 77883 | Mindset Chapter 3 Ys

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File: Growth Mindset Powerpoint 77883 | Mindset Chapter 3 Ys
geniuses edison while inventing the lightbulb he had thirty assistants darwin the origin of species took him half a lifetime of dedication and cooperation with colleagues to complete mozart each ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 03 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Geniuses edison while inventing the lightbulb he had thirty assistants darwin origin of species took him half a lifetime dedication and cooperation with colleagues to complete mozart each his pieces more than ten years mindset school achievement grades students fixed mindsets declined as they entered junior high those worsened in two growth an increase their over explained reasons for poor if were based on ability examples i am stupidest or suck math many played blame game called teachers names which does not solve problem mobilized resources learning although at times felt overwhelmed decided do whatever it wise get good grade low effort syndrome avoid hard work usually try take easy way out so will have...

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