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picture1_Growth Mindset Powerpoint 78207 | Sel Growth Mindset Facilitator Presentation

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File: Growth Mindset Powerpoint 78207 | Sel Growth Mindset Facilitator Presentation
learning objectives by the end of this session participants will be able to define growth mindset understand the importance of growth mindset for formative assessment feel familiar with the research ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 04 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Learning objectives by the end of this session participants will be able to define growth mindset understand importance for formative assessment feel familiar with research base in area use actionable strategies promote students train other adults using materials provided what is it fixed i failed maybe because need a m new dumb strategy if have trying try hard harder not makes you smart smarter s just about student effort educational environment important changing how does relate depends on and teachers having mindsets both think intelligence as something that can increase expect take time or mastery happen anticipate there challenges mistakes learn things but those are part process has been linked number academic non outcomes including grades test scores goals motivation persistence engagement more background see dweck c walton g cohen tenacity skills long term seattle wa bill melinda gates foundation...

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