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picture1_Network Ppt Repost 77816 | Computer Network Unit 1 (2)

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File: Network Ppt Repost 77816 | Computer Network Unit 1 (2)
taxonomy computer network taxonomy transmission technology and scale 1 transmission technology broadcast links point to point links point to point links connect individual pairs of m c often multiple routes ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 03 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Taxonomy computer network transmission technology and scale broadcast links point to connect individual pairs of m c often multiple routes different lengths are possible so finding good ones is important in p t networks with exactly one sender receiver called as unicasting contrast on a the commn ch shared by all n w pkts sent any received others address field wireless common example link some systems also support subset which known multicasting distance classification metric bcoz technologies used scales types pan personal area ex bluetooth rfid lan local bldg home office etc access router or base station ieee wifi speed mbps topology many wired lans build from ethernet man metropolitan covers city cable wimax high internet wan wide country continent geographically dispersed collection device connects...

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