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picture1_Performance Ppt 77615 | Chromatography

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File: Performance Ppt 77615 | Chromatography
i introduction i i introduction i introduction introduction ii classification of chromatographic methods ii ii classification of chromatographic methods ii classification of chromatographic methods classification of chromatographic methods iii principle ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 03 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...I introduction ii classification of chromatographic methods iii principle chromatography iv high performance liquid hplc v gas gc vi thin layer tlc definition is defined as a procedure by which solutes are separated dynamic differential migration process in system consisting two or more phases one moves continuously given direction and the individual substances exhibit different mobilities reason differences adsorption partition solubility vapor pressure molecular size ionic charge density mobile phase that travels through column transport sample stationary immiscible solid fixed place on support retain analytes within band zone area across analyte distributed zones gradually separate bands progress down chromatograp hy eluant detection method chromatogram to components mixture based distribution coefficients between categorized basis interaction solute either liq sol...

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