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picture1_Activity Ppt 77596 | Prof Shabir Hussain

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File: Activity Ppt 77596 | Prof Shabir Hussain
introduction immobilization of enzymes refers to the technique of confining anchoring the enzymes in or on an inert support for their stability and functional reuse by employing this technique enzymes ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 03 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Introduction immobilization of enzymes refers to the technique confining anchoring in or on an inert support for their stability and functional reuse by employing this are made more efficient cost effective industrial use immobilized retain structural conformation necessary catalysis historical events invertase activated charcoal nelson griffin enzyme covalent bonding diazonium derivative grubhofer schleith encapsulation semi permeable spherical membranes chang et al cross linking crystalline quiocho richards aminoacylase deae sephadex used production l aminoacid chibata penicillin g acylase apa intermediate synthesis synthetic antibiotics mosbach glucose isomerase fructose syrup messing filbert obtained higher activity chemical modification with peg takabaskal increase optimum temperature epoxy hydrolase o c using triton x ursini development linked crystals clec suitable both organic aqueous media cao elzinga purpose re many reaction cycles ability provide pure products lowering total...

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