File: Industrial Pdf 170327 | 52nd Convocation2019 Brochure
iit kanpur diamond jubilee year celebrating 60 years in pursuit of excellence brochure prof vimal kumar board of governors economic sciences dr koppillil radhakrishnan prof a r harish chairperson electrical ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 26 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Iit kanpur diamond jubilee year celebrating years in pursuit of excellence brochure prof vimal kumar board governors economic sciences dr koppillil radhakrishnan a r harish chairperson electrical engineering shikha dixit abhay karandikar humanities and social director ex officio member n sengupta industrial management uday shanker monica katiyar shri deepak ghaisas materials science s sandhu amit mitra singh mathematics statistics t p venkitanarayanan debopam das mechanical m l rao vijaya physics key institute administrators heads inter disciplinary programmes bishakh bhattacharya cognitive programme senate shantanu manindra agrawal design deputy tripathi achla misri raina environmental dean academic affairs rajeev gupta onkar dikshit administration sumit ganguly nuclear technology digital infrastructure automation h wanare debasis kundu photonics faculty y chairpersons conveners standing planning committees yogesh joshi international relations ganesh research development educational p...