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picture1_History Ppt 77008 | Preknowledge Internetnetworking

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File: History Ppt 77008 | Preknowledge Internetnetworking
objectives obtain the basic knowledge of computer networking and the internet concepts of network applications internet basic knowledge of network protocols tcp ip reading assignment wikipiedia tutorials http en wikipedia ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Objectives obtain the basic knowledge of computer networking and internet concepts network applications protocols tcp ip reading assignment wikipiedia tutorials http en wikipedia org wiki reference book a top down approach featuring th edition jim kurose keith ross addison wesley pearson education lecture materials some these slides are adapted from copyrighted by little bit history kleinrock queueing theory shows effectiveness packet switching arpanet conceived advanced research projects agency first node operational nodes in e mail program metcalfe s phd thesis proposes ethernet cerf kahn architecture for interconnecting networks deployment smtp protocol defined dns name to address translation early web late instant messaging pp file sharing security est million host users backbone links running at gbps internetworking principles minimalism autonomy no internal changes required interconnect best effort service model stateless routers decentralized control define today what is applica...

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