File: Farming System Ppt 76720 | The Rural Bank Franchising Model Faysal Bank
rural bank franchising model ali raza head agri agri sme faysal bank limited key issues faced by the farming community low agricultural yield caused by o primitive agronomic practices o ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Rural bank franchising model ali raza head agri sme faysal limited key issues faced by the farming community low agricultural yield caused o primitive agronomic practices non availability of quality farm inputs lack mechanical support natural calamities inequitable marketing system resulting in lower incomes exorbitant interest charged middleman arhti on credit provided to farmers cash or kind inadequate institutional documentary and procedural hassles involved lending banks lukewarm approach towards financing factors underlying passive attitude higher intermediation cost ticket size distance time process capacity npls eroding profitability wrong selection borrowers poor post disbursement follow up for recovery hampering their repayment wilful defaults nurtured inefficient enforcement legal framework formulated currently under testing cum implementation phase at fbl envisages induction third party service providers sps willing capable performing role a tripartite arrangement aims addre...