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picture1_Agriculture Ppt 76678 | Climate Smart Agriculture For Nrm Session 11june12

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File: Agriculture Ppt 76678 | Climate Smart Agriculture For Nrm Session 11june12
climate smart agriculture climate change in sub saharan africa will have significant impact on food security and agricultural production changes in mean temperatures higher changes in mean rainfall less increased ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Climate smart agriculture change in sub saharan africa will have significant impact on food security and agricultural production changes mean temperatures higher rainfall less increased variability temperature greater crop water demand prevalence of extreme events heat waves drought floods pest disease patterns decrease productivity mccarthy et al iied fao definition adaptation for involves building resistance the ability to resist a disturbance resilience recover from within agro ecosystems communities governance operations prepare climatic its impacts moreau based practices that potential sustainably achieve increase without further depleting soil resources farmers farming systems improve capacity sequester carbon mitigate increasing stocks terrestrial farmland grassland or forests other words has triple win sustainable built contribution greenhouse gas mitigation order minimize risks it is important diversify through integration cropping livestock forestry fisheries conservation the...

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