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picture1_Agriculture Ppt 76680 | Essegbey Presentation Gsa 16aug2018 Copy

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File: Agriculture Ppt 76680 | Essegbey Presentation Gsa 16aug2018 Copy
the outline what is climate smart agriculture the policy cycle stakeholders climate change policy vision case study 1 cc agriculture action plan case study 2 csa investment study stakeholders and ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The outline what is climate smart agriculture policy cycle stakeholders change vision case study cc action plan csa investment and roles key issues conclusion definition of an approach for developing agricultural strategies to secure sustainable food security under that helps guide actions needed transform reorient systems effectively support development ensure in a changing aims tackle main objectives i sustainably increasing productivity incomes ii adapting building resilience iii reducing or removing greenhouse gas emissions where possible http www fao org en pillars adaptation mitigation papuso faraby practices pumpkin beside creeping plant serves as cover crop protect surface soil enhance water conservation microbial activities pot used provide poultry within local settings ccafs science platform product series are inter linked by achievement set specific goal s feeding into next activity participation...

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