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picture1_Agriculture Ppt 76621 | 0163 En Session1   Climate Change

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File: Agriculture Ppt 76621 | 0163 En Session1 Climate Change
contents contents key impacts and threats in africa the response climate adaptation adaptation the bank approach adaptation bank policy adaptation capacity building climate information adaptation project interventions conclusions projected impacts ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Contents key impacts and threats in africa the response climate adaptation bank approach policy capacity building information project interventions conclusions projected of change source stern review effects more severe droughts desertification changing eco systems reduced crop yields floodings storms increased vector diseases rising sea level is least responsible but hardest hit continent water by million people will face stress this adversely affect livelihoods exacerbate related problems north acute scarcity agriculture area suitable for length growing season yield potential expected to decrease particularly semi arid areas food security be compromised malnutrition increase contd fisheries decreasing large lakes due temperatures negatively local supply health borne shift increases malaria are southern east african highlands flood drought illnesses cholera rift valley fever etc rise mangroves coral reefs further degraded with additional consequences tourism at risk from coastal flood...

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