agriculture can be defined as the art the science and business of cultivating crops and livestock for economic purposes at certain stages of human development agriculture used to be the ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Agriculture can be defined as the art science and business of cultivating crops livestock for economic purposes at certain stages human development used to only known means living it is derived from latin terms ager referring soil cultura its cultivation a broad term encompassing all aspects crop production horticulture farming forestry etc expanded activities on g ground r raising i intended c u uplifting l livelihood t through use rechargeable e energies definitions geography according symons or animal husbandry called whittlesy effort with object acquiring products plant origin hillman deals comparative study countries continents reeds description explanation regional differentiation agricultural characteristics also analyse interpret main causes spatial variations zimmerman defines those productive efforts by which man settled land seeks make if possible accelerate improve upon natural genetic processes plants life end that these yield vegetable needed wanted buchanan has word port...