3 farming systems research and development fsr d 3 1 concepts of fsr d ofarming system can be defined in many ways in order to avoid confusion let us first ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Farming systems research and development fsr d concepts of ofarming system can be defined in many ways order to avoid confusion let us first define the terms oa is a set components that work together achieve overall objective whole e g digestive respiratory circulatory urinary nervous etc ofor effective functioning human body all sub function harmoniously ounderstanding various their actual interactions useful address problems one may face o rural areas watershed represents for hydrologists regions geographers village family sociologists oin theory used explain complexity agricultural production identify understand contribute process oany farm part hierarchy belonging larger othe as consists related which form micro organisms soil are again crop involves entire complex management allocation resources processing marketing products also directly produces them otherefore refers collection distinct functional activities or enterprises such crops livestock investment definitions exist term ...