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picture1_Analysis Ppt 75749 | Process

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File: Analysis Ppt 75749 | Process
how to choose a data mining system commercial data mining systems have little in common different data mining functionality or methodology may even work with completely different kinds of data ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...How to choose a data mining system commercial systems have little in common different functionality or methodology may even work with completely kinds of sets need multiple dimensional view selection types relational transactional text time sequence spatial issues running on only one several operating client server architecture provide web based interfaces and allow xml as input output csd sources ascii files support odbc connections ole db jdbc functions methodologies vs variety methods per function more the user greater flexibility analysis power coupling warehouse four forms no loose semitight tight ideally should be tightly coupled database scalability row size column dimension curse dimensionality it is much challenging make scalable that visualization tools picture worth thousand words categories result process visual query language graphical interface easy use high quality essential for guided highly interactive examples ibm intelligent miner wide range algorithms toolkits neura...

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