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picture1_Writing Ppt 75470 | Atlas Ti Windows 8 Class

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File: Writing Ppt 75470 | Atlas Ti Windows 8 Class
course program 1 outline conceptual introduction hands on work 2 conceptual introduction what does atlas ti do qualitative research qualitative data analysis data level work in atlas ti the objects ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Course program outline conceptual introduction hands on work what does atlas ti do qualitative research data analysis level in the objects of an project tools www atlasti co m day creating setting up a segmentation coding memo writing and outputs conclusion software computer assisted caqdas category that facilitates helps making process organized transparent integrated grounded evidence triangulation collected through multiple methods collection such as semi structured unstructured interviews focus groups field notes observations archival literature reviews photo voice elicitation ethnographic videos twitter evernote reference management characteristics natural researcher key instrument complex reasoning deductive inductive participants meanings emergent design reflexivity holistic account creswell analytic strategies sketching ideas consists taking preparing organizing i e text transcripts or image working with words photographs for then reducing into themes identifying codes condensi...

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