File: Information Ppt 74994 | Mcit Item Download 2022-09-01 21-46-16
strategic direction ict sector strategy for the development of samoa sds 2016 17 2019 20 key outcome 11 improved and affordable country wide ict connectivity communications sector plan 2017 18 ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Strategic direction ict sector strategy for the development of samoa sds key outcome improved and affordable country wide connectivity communications plan vision appropriate accessible to all mission provide citizens government with access high quality icts reduce hardship poverty achieve sustain a better standard living mcit landscapevideo clip digital journey private sas cable tui mobile apps dtc manatua establishing structures increase in e commerce network providers technical transformation isp working platforms authority group samcert developments communication radio ap broadcasting information documents television switch technology from analogue association digitisation projects street naming addresses national id progress project platform establishment cert library open policy domestic ixp developing pacific node distributed innovation park payment gateway incubator startups entreprenuers major challenge s human resource significant proportion staff their organisations lack know...