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picture1_Nutrition Support Pdf 145124 | Nipn Communication Strategy

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File: Nutrition Support Pdf 145124 | Nipn Communication Strategy
ethiopia bringing evidence to decision makers national information platform for nutrition communication strategy ethiopian public health institute addis ababa april 2020 0 acronyms ac advisory committee bmgf bill and melinda ...

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...Ethiopia bringing evidence to decision makers national information platform for nutrition communication strategy ethiopian public health institute addis ababa april acronyms ac advisory committee bmgf bill and melinda gates foundation csa central statistics agency cn capacity dfid department international development eiar agriculture research entap nipn technical project ifpri ephi eu european union eud delegation fsnrd food science directorate policy gsf global support facility mcit ministry of technology mer sc monitoring evaluation steering moa moh mowc women children ndmc data management center nfnp ngo non governmental organization nncb coordination body nnp program nntc ppt power point template pr relations sun scaling up aau university contents background introduction the operational cycle structure rationale objective outcomes scope mapping activities requiring audiences messages channels key visibility branding indicative by output implementation resources human assistance fin...

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