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picture1_Information Ppt 74940 | Physical Education Open House Powerpoint

 188x       Filetype PPTX       File size 0.78 MB       Source: www.yonkerspublicschools.org

File: Information Ppt 74940 | Physical Education Open House Powerpoint
teacher page google school 13 yonkers ny click school 13 homepage webpage click teachers near the top of the page find and click my name joseph curbelo you have now ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Teacher page google school yonkers ny click homepage webpage teachers near the top of find and my name joseph curbelo you have now reached with announcements assignments contact information grading due to inconvenient times student grades are mostly based on their attendance in addition students graded partially participation i encourage live interaction showing themselves for feedback purposes avoid injuries if a written assignment is assigned it shall be completed sent back through microsoft teams curriculum physical education equipment will not handed out according state guidelines order stop spread covid all activity must ft social distancing teaching units ex stretching exercising yoga dance foot eye coordination skills etc subject change instructional platform using refer updates safety expectations sanitize hands upon entering gym make sure masks cover your mouth nose remain apart from each other abide by floor markings tape exiting...

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