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picture1_Education Ppt 74689 | Ecce Pakistan

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File: Education Ppt 74689 | Ecce Pakistan
pakistan key facts population 180 million provinces 5 3 areas fata ict ajk education provision public sector 63 private sector 37 ner primary 66 ece 3 5 yrs 50 60 ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Pakistan key facts population million provinces areas fata ict ajk education provision public sector private ner primary ece yrs est including aided foundation madaris article a right to for years laws being developed but resources limited back policy and plans national chapter on access provides broadening the base of learning nep earmarked as year focus state commitment one experience in schools actions quality pp plan action efa third pillar after upe literacy targeting children th amendment devolved entirely each province committed provincial place finalized all include an area punjab has scaling up strategy balochistan with district coverage multi stakeholder s partnerships ecce government foundations civil society organizations technical innovative service delivery capacity very large contributions through providers corporate csr brand based by unilever others ingos donors world bank dfid unicef unesco usaid cida european union giz netherlands norad etc inclusive approach win pos...

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