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picture1_Powerpoint For Students 74621 | Formative And Summative Assessment To Improve Learning

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File: Powerpoint For Students 74621 | Formative And Summative Assessment To Improve Learning
assessments why do we assess our students individually write at least three ideas you have about assessments with one or two colleagues near you compare your ideas and together come ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Assessments why do we assess our students individually write at least three ideas you have about with one or two colleagues near compare your and together come up idea that can all agree describes assessment share best everyone formative summative what s the difference v for of learning after instruction planned used during use to evaluate adjust accountability provides snapshot a grade address misconceptions defined there are many definitions by various scholars they generally include several common components systematic process gather evidence communicate their level understanding allow adjustment in teaching time correct course diagnose research says improves student achievement attitude motivation allows show as progresses helps academically challenged struggling perform better gives instructors information need determine concepts should be re taught who is ready advance...

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