File: Information Ppt 74366 | 5 Datawarehouse Concepts
turkish statistical institute outline users problems and necessity for data warehouse bi definition and components data warehousing concepts dw goals and objectives olap and oltp terms data warehouse vs operational ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Turkish statistical institute outline users problems and necessity for data warehouse bi definition components warehousing concepts dw goals objectives olap oltp terms vs operational dbms datamarts methodology explanation of star schema snowflake dmql mining query language functions information technologies department introduction there are types decision maker use local while makers historical database design is changed if used take decisions warehouses captures different sources contain user gets frequent updates queries specific needed tells about something very infrequent integrated analytical that require huge amounts aggregation performance crucial example what the salary mr johnson point address phone number how many employees have received an excellent credential in last appraisal a correlation between geographical location company profit age employee effect their gender staff without everywhere hard to manage same exist at places inconsistency it deploy new so complex detailed...