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picture1_Management Information System Ppt 74273 | Module 1 1

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File: Management Information System Ppt 74273 | Module 1 1
2 syllabus introduction entity relationship er model concept overview of database management systems dbms characteristics of database system database users structured semi structured and unstructured data data models and schema ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Syllabus introduction entity relationship er model concept overview of database management systems dbms characteristics system users structured semi and unstructured data models schema three architecture languages architectures classification basic concepts set attributes notations relationships constraints cardinality participation weak entities degree known facts that can be recorded have implicit meaning is nothing but statistics stored or free flowing over a network generally it s raw unprocessed becomes information when processed turning into something meaningful the collection related organised in way easily accessed managed updated interrelated programs to access those general purpose software facilitates process defining constructing manipulating sharing allows creation definition manipulation allowing store analyse also provides protection security databases maintains consistency case multiple here are some examples popular used these days mysql oracle sql server ibm db amazon...

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