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picture1_Information Ppt 74053 | 2 Dataqualityconceptualframeworkanddimension D4ifinal

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File: Information Ppt 74053 | 2 Dataqualityconceptualframeworkanddimension D4ifinal
objectives understand the data quality conceptual framework tailored for fp define the dimensions of data quality identify the steps for assessing improving and maintaining data quality understand why data quality ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Objectives understand the data quality conceptual framework tailored for fp define dimensions of identify steps assessing improving and maintaining why is important use decision making process a decisions information systems interpretability signals rationalized indicators focusing on programme priorities that incentivise with availability valid measurement concepts analytics inform at level frequency robust checks to flag entry errors needed outliers automated feedback loops systematic approach monitoring targeted reviews in family planning people curriculum training applying dedicated staff time national levels standardized methods routine mechanisms include leveraging investments over ad hoc review supportive supervision capacity prioritize efficient resources action issues areas highest need tools service statistics estimated modern ss emu tool excel based typically applied can be subnationally value where problems are occurring which currently being used by track supported countri...

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