Security Requirements • Alice wants to send a message to Bob. Moreover, Alice wants to send the message securely: Alice wants to make sure Eve cannot read the message.&rdquo ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
The words contained in this file might help you see if this file matches what you are looking for:
...Security requirements alice wants to send a message bob moreover the securely make sure eve cannot read nd exercise draw picture of this scenario discuss s using terminology developed date in compsci is sender receiver and eavesdropper name another actor with an important role communication sample answers are widely available on internet see e g http en wikipedia org wiki crypto stego xkcd com creative commons licence sc from model for voip steganography by yu thomborson et al doi mines attack taxonomy systems interception attacker reads interruption prevents delivery modification changes fabrication injects impersonation pretends be legitimate or either stegocommunication surreptitious use system wears white hat repudiation black falsely asserts she did not that he didn t receive judy judge symmetric public key encryption if decryption d can computed then algorithm called example p mod very weak char because x decryptor when feasibly asymmetric...