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25 Law And Government Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 22 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 25 txt files containing articles about Law and Government. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. Bank Charges That Are A Crime
..... If you did a survey of the top ten most distrusted professions, right up there next to lawyers and politicians would be bankers. It’s amazing that we have such a negative view of the banks in light of the fact that almost everyone uses a bank. Have you ever wondered how banks make money? In the last few years, it seems that every bank in town advertises “totally free checking”. Offering these fees for free is so common that most of us have probably forgotten when we paid a little fee each month for these services. Competition has driven banks to give away checking. So you would think that has hurt their bottom lines. .....


2. Call The Cops ThereÆs A Criminal In My Computer!
..... A common plot of Hollywood thrillers is the “Don’t Answer the Phone” device. In this kind of movie, the babysitter is aware that there is a maniac about to come to kill her or the children. The big moment comes when she gets a phone call from the police who say “The calls are coming from inside the house!” Pretty scary stuff. But we have a modern day version of “the maniac is inside the house”. The maniacs are actually hiding in the house but not in the closet, not in the basement, not in the attic but in the computer! And it isn’t just happening to an occasional unfortunate victim. These kinds of crimes are happening to thousands of people every day, people like you and me. It’s called cyber crime and it’s an epidemic that law enforcement is putting all the skill and detective work they can muster to try to control. .....


3. Can You Keep A Secret
..... “Transparency” is a term that gets used on television a lot as something desirable, particularly in government terms to require that that our elected officials are being open and honest.. What transparency means is that there is nothing hidden and the people “employing” the elected official have complete knowledge of what is going on at all times. Sometimes we think that even in the world of business, “transparency” would be a good policy as well. Very often the consumer world gets suspicious that businesses are not doing business in an honest and forthright fashion. But it is not uncommon for a business to have a need to sustain a certain level of secrecy about their products, their marketing and their business plans. This is not always because the business is crooked. It is just a fact of life in the business world and one that has given us a legal framework for trade secrets and confidentiality agreements of various sorts. .....


4. Consumer Rights And Protection
..... The news stories in the last few months have included some pretty alarming stories about bad products that have come to us from China. And we in the west do look with disgust at failures of a government to assure that products produced by merchants are safe for consumers. This is because our government maintains a high level of control, testing, and monitoring of products to assure that the consumers of these products are protected and consumers can buy them with confidence. Of course, this is not to say that problems with consumer protection have been eliminated. But when a product is found to be unsafe, we have a sophisticated system of recalls and alerts that go out over our media. In this way, that the damage and danger from inferior product is vastly minimized from what it might have been. .....


5. Every Citizen Gets A Vote
..... One of the founding principles of our system of government is “one man, one vote.” The implication is that every citizen gets one vote in each election and that each vote will have the same potential impact on the outcome of the election as any other person’s vote. The implication is also that, in a perfect world, no citizen will ever be denied his or her right to that vote and that all will be able to and will willingly engage in the privilege of voting for their elected officials freely, openly and eagerly. Now, right away we can think of exceptions to how this principle works out in reality that might cause us to doubt the validity of the “one man, one vote” system. But we should not let that happen. Because despite these kinks in the system, the democracy of the election system is still fundamentally intact. .....


6. Free Money From The Government
..... There is a humorous commercial that is shown from time to time in which a rather funny character does his pitch wearing a suit that is covered with question marks and dollar signs. The man is pretty funny looking in his own right. But the upshot of the pitch is that you can buy a book from him that will tell you how to get “free money from the government”. Of course, the book itself is not free and the chances are that the business and/or the pitchman make their living from selling that book and not from free money from anyone. But the reason that advertisement is appealing is that we have an urban myth that the government is overflowing with money that it is looking to give away if we can just know how to punch the right buttons. This is the mystique of the system more formally known as government grants. .....


7. Government Records At Our Fingertips
..... Few know that the internet was actually started as a government project. It was created by the department of defense as a way of protecting our government’s infrastructure by decentralizing the computing power to many computers rather than one. But there is no question that the government has benefited from the move toward electronic records. Over the last decade, the government has made great strides in putting virtually all of our public records into electronic data bases. While not all of them can be accessed freely due to privacy issues, many of them can be searched by citizens which has introduced an era of open access to public documents that was unimaginable before. The variety of types of public records that are either fully available or are in the process of being converted to online access is amazing including… .....


8. Is It Worth It To File A Malpractice Claim
..... When you are injured, getting a legal claim filed is not always the first thing on your mind. But this is one area that it seems the lawyers descend like vultures on anyone who is injured in any way at all. This is one way that the legal profession gets such a bad reputation. Seeing all of those “ambulance chasers” and lawyers trying to talk us into filing malpractice claims on television is not a dignified way to portray any profession. This whole area of malpractice can be pretty confusing to those of us outside of both the legal and the medical professions. But in a strict sense of the word, it may be something looking into if there is a clear case where a doctor either did not do their job or did it so poorly that it caused you additional pain and suffering or injury. .....


9. Protecting Our Kids Online
..... The internet has sometimes been compared to the wild, wild west. Part of the reason for that is because in those early days of the frontier, the law was in place to protect citizens of the land but in many cases, it was hard to enforce and criminals ran free to defy laws without fear of being stopped. When it comes to protecting our kids who go online, in a lot of ways it is the wild west out there. Are there laws on the books to protect our children from being assaulted by internet criminals who would do them harm? Of course there are. But enforcing those laws and catching every bad person who your child might encounter out there in cyberspace is a task that law enforcement is working hard to conquer. But they have not conquered it yet. So cyberspace is in many ways, an untamed frontier. .....


10. Tapping A Vast Resource Through National Service
..... In 1994 there was a government agency created that didn’t create a lot of scandal and to a large extent went unnoticed. But this government agency has made a huge contribution to the quality of life for all who get involved with it. It is the agency called Americorps created by the Clinton Administration to replicate the success of the Peace Corps to tap the power of national service to aid those in need across America. There has been a lot of talk in the last decade about whether the current generation of young people are as “great” as the generation who fought valiantly in World War II. What the Americorps experiment set out to learn was whether the current generation was as lazy and unpatriotic as was being said in the tabloids or if the current generation, given the chance, could themselves be the “greatest generation” for our times. .....


11. Term Limits Pro And Con
..... When America young, if we could have put any sign on the shores of the country for any foreign government to read, it might have said “No Kings Allowed!” The conviction was strong that this new country would never be a place where royalty dominated the people and were held up for worship as was the abuse in so many countries our forefathers came here to escape. So many of the protections that were put in place in our founding documents were put there to assure that it would be virtually impossible for anyone to become king in this country. No matter how much power a politician or legislative body were able to amass, our system of government made sure that no one party, person or special interest group would be able to hold power forever and that no one could take over the government, stage a coup and change America into a tyrannical monarchy like we had left behind in Europe. .....


12. That Puzzle They Call Medicare Law
..... We depend on the government to pass laws that are good for the people of this great country. And many laws that get passed do a great job of that. But one requirement of a law to be of any benefit to people is that we, the people, must be able to understand it. When it comes to this vast legal system called “Medicare”, the best way we can compliment the work of our government in making it understandable is, “Well, their hearts are in the right place.” Medicare is a system that was designed to help the elderly with their medical bills at a time of life when that help is needed the most. So, all cynicism aside, it is a system of laws that obeys that edit of seeing the government try to do the best for the people it serves. .....


13. The Controversial Punishment Of The Death Penalty
..... In the day in day out creation and enforcement of laws by our government and law enforcement officials, it is a common occurrence for an issue to come up that is layered with emotional and moral questions. At the legislative level even today, our government is wrestling with issues involving cloning and stem cell research and trying to find a middle ground between the ethical, moral and religious issues versus the scientific benefit that might come from the practice. One of the great debates has been ongoing in American society over it’s history has been over whether it is moral and right to use the death penalty as a punishment for heinous crimes. Whether one is for abolishing this form of punishment or on the side of using it as a just outcome for a criminal, there is no question that the issue itself is a difficult one to decide. .....


14. The Cornerstone Of Government
..... Government in any society is a complicated thing. In the United States, with our system of checks of balances between three powerful wings of central government layered on top of fifty individual state governments, each of which handles their checks and balances in an individual ways, our government which is summarized as “of the people, by the people and for the people” has become a phenomenally complex thing. After over two hundred years of history, it’s amazing to see that this government that rules the current America is still very much the product of those cornerstone documents that were written by the founding fathers, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and especially the Declaration of Independence. The national sense of self and that distinctively “American” personality is very much interwoven with the bold statements in these documents. .....


15. The FBI Protecting Our Safety
..... Our federal government has literally dozens of bureaus, departments, and commissions. But of all of those agencies, there is probably none who are as “notorious” as the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the FBI. This is an agency who’s reason for being and daily challenges are so dangerous and exotic that we often see the FBI portrayed in movies and TV shows, and almost always heroically. It is really amazing when you think about it that the FBI is actually a very old agency. And yet in its long history, the FBI has maintained a high public approval and regard for honesty and their single-minded focus on their purpose, which is to protect the American people. That is why when we think of the FBI we think of the words of their motto which is, "Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity". .....


16. The FCC And Free Speech
..... When you think about it for very long, you wonder if there is a good reason that the United States even has a Federal Communications Commission. But with a closer look at the value this important government department adds to our public life, we can get a good perspective on the reasons we need the FCC to be there to provide some guidance for how the public airwaves are used. The FCC grew out of a need in the early thirties to have a regulatory body to assist with issues relative to the growing radio industry in regards to monopolies on the airwaves and how radio conglomerates were handling relationships with affiliates and employees. So in 1934, Congress passed the Communications Act which expanded the Federal Radio Commission that was already in existence and gave it a wider jurisdiction. The agency that came out of this reorganization and expansion became what we now know as the Federal Communications Commission. .....


17. The Legal Rights Of Musicians
..... Creative people of all types all come back to one legal touchstone and that is copyright law. It is often sited in all kinds of cases involving literature, film, publishing and certainly in music. Within the music industry, the ability of copyright to protect an artist’s work has come under new challenges in the last ten years. The rise of peer-to-peer file sharing, online music downloading and other internet related ways that music gets passed around has presented some real challenges to musicians to collect what is due them as owners of music under copyright. There are numerous royalty rights associated with the writing, publication, performance and distribution of music that have to be sorted out by a complicated infrastructure that the music industry maintains to protect its own. But when you get back to the basics, the copyright of a piece of music works in music the same way it does in any literary field. That copyright, at least at first, belongs to the songwriter. .....


18. The Legal Status Of Identity Theft Cases
..... The law is not a stagnant thing. It is constantly changing, evolving and adapting to new situations and new crimes that must be identified and understood so appropriate laws can be passed to protect honest people from the dishonest ones. This can be a tricky process, especially in this age when crimes using the internet make detection and evidence so difficult. Identity theft is a perfect example of a crime that should be aggressively attacked from the legal community. But because it is a crime that is always changing and adapting, it is sometimes difficult for the legal community to get a firm definition of what identity theft is and particularly how to codify it into a system of laws that can be used to effectively stop it. .....


19. The Most Feared Government Institution
..... To even mention the name of this government institution can set off waves of anxiety and stories of abuse and persecution that is unheard of for virtually any other governmental body in this country. It’s really amazing the ability of three little words to instill fear in the hearts of an American citizen when those three little words are – Internal Revenue Service. When we look a little closer at the mission of the IRS and their actual record of how they handle most of their cases, the level of hysteria we get ourselves into is really pretty silly. For the most part, the abuses and draconian methods that we think of when we talk about the IRS are urban myth. You would think that the IRS existed solely to imprison the American people, take all of their property and make our lives miserable either through audits that resemble the Spanish Inquisition or by keeping us all in constant terror. .....


20. The Quiet Heroes The Corps Of Engineers
..... Many governmental agencies and organizations get a lot of notice, both positive and negative. When the tragedy at Waco occurred several years ago in which the ATF worked to save the lives of so many innocents trapped in the Branch Dividian compound, the ATF took a lot of criticism when that episode ended badly. And yet it is the ATF that works so tirelessly to assure that we can be a nation that enjoys the rights we do but do so safely and within the laws. FEMA the FBI, CIA, The IRS, Congress, The Supreme Court and of course, the Presidency all get lots of public attention, both bad and good because what they do touch the lives of all Americans routinely. But one small agency that works under the Department of the Army has a tremendous influence on the quality of life for all Americans. And yet it goes about its good business quietly as quiet heroes. That agency is the Corps of Engineers. .....


21. The TVA
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22. Using Our Legal Rights For Estate Planning
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23. When A Bar Is Not For Drinking
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24. When A Name Is More Than A Name
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25. WhoÆs That Squatting On My Domain
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