File: Teaching Methods Pdf 73584 | Difference Between Assessment And Evaluation
assessment and evaluation what is the difference the primary objective for using the strategy or tool determines its purpose is the data to be gathered for assessment evaluation or both ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Assessment and evaluation what is the difference primary objective for using strategy or tool determines its purpose data to be gathered both classroom research provide useful feedback improvement of teaching learning from student instructor about s uses methods measures judge understanding material purposes grading reporting observation students in process collection frequent on design modest experiments that information how learn respond particular approaches helps individual college teachers obtain much well their are faculty can then use this refocus help make more efficient effective improve characteristics learner centered focuses attention observing improving rather than teacher directed respects autonomy academic freedom professional judgment decides assess gained through mutually beneficial requires active participation when participate actively feel confident they succeed likely do better course work as closely with skills gain new insights formative summative assessments inc...