Posted on 02 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
Download free assessment and evaluation ppt files. As a reference file related to the assessment and evaluation in education ppt.
Objectives At the end of this lecture the students will be able to: Define terms Listen principles of recording & reporting Understand different methods of documentation Discussing nine purposes for writing a record Discuss improper technique of documentation Understand methods of report Out line Definition of terms Principles of recording & reporting Different methods of documentation Nine purposes for writing a record Improper technique of documentation Methods of report Introduction Health care today is multidisciplinary endeavor, even within the walls of a single institution. A patient receives services from many departments & from more than one health ...
PENGAWAL Ada beberapa istilah yang digunakan dalam konteks penilaian, yaitu: pengukuran (measurement), asesmen (assessment), dan evaluasi (evaluation). KONSEPSI Measurement 1. Proses untuk menentukan kuantitas (Pengukuran sesuatu yang bersifat numerik (Mardapi). 2. Penetapan angka dengan cara yang sistematik untuk menyatakan keadaan individu (Allen & Yen). Assessment 1. Kegiatan menilai dan mengadakan (Penilaian) estimasi terhadap hasil pengukuran dan tidak sampai pada taraf pengambilan keputusan (Boyer). 2. Menjelaskan dan menafsirkan hasil pengukuran (Griffin & Nix). Evaluation 1. Proses penentuan makna dengan (Evaluasi) mempertimbangkan hasil observasi atau koleksi data yang diperoleh (Cizek). 2. Proses menyimpulkan hasil pengukuran atau test dengan memberi makna ...