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picture1_Ppt For Information Security 73301 | Wioa Protecting Confidential Client Data Presentation Ui

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File: Ppt For Information Security 73301 | Wioa Protecting Confidential Client Data Presentation Ui
confidentiality requirements for wioa partners statute and regulations workforce innovation and opportunity act of 2014 185 a 4 prohibits disclosure which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Confidentiality requirements for wioa partners statute and regulations workforce innovation opportunity act of a prohibits disclosure which would constitute clearly unwarranted invasion personal privacy training employment guidance letter tegl june on handling protection identifiable information pii https wdr doleta gov directives corr doc cfm docn what is confidential client data must protect two types ccd the office management budget omb defines as that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual s identity either alone when combined in other identifying linked linkable specific examples from social security numbers unlisted telephone includes cellular financial account e g credit debit cards checking accounts etc age date birth marital status not by itself but if combination with may compromise first last name email address business gender risk harm analysis law protected unemployment insurance ui usdol cfr part state wagner peyser o c et seq education family rights ferpa voca...

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