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25 Home And Business Security Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 21 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 25 txt files containing articles about Home and Business Security. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. ADT For Home And Business Security
..... ADT is probably one of the most recognized names in the United States when it comes to home and business security. Not only does this company offer security services that are appropriate to homes and businesses of all sizes they also offer monitoring services for home or business intrusions as well as monitoring services for medical emergencies. Part of the reason that ADT is so successful is because they are quite aggressive in their sales efforts. Another reason that they are so successful is that they do have a proven track record of not only deterring intrusions simply as the result of their alarm systems but also a proven record of responding quickly to emergency situations within the home and notifying the proper authorities when necessary. .....


2. Added Security May Lower Insurance Rates For Home And Business Owners
..... One thing that many home and business owners neglect to check when establishing security measures for their homes and businesses is whether or not the standards being established will actually work to lower their insurance rates. Just as many companies reward safe drivers and drivers who own cars with GPS tracking enabled, they also reward home owners that take logical and practical steps to reduce the vulnerability of the homes to invasion as well as other security risks such as fire. This is one question you should ask the security expert that assesses your home or business for security measures and upgrades as he should be able to give you a 'heads up' when it comes to this sort of information and which insurance companies prize these sorts of upgrades more heavily. The bottom line is that the experts keep up with this type of information in order to encourage hesitant buyers to make the purchase. In all fairness toe the experts; the fact remains that much of the costs involved in these security measures can be recovered through the discounts that are applied to the insurance costs. .....


3. Are Fake Security Cameras False Security
..... You hear people talking about them all the time. The infamous 'dummy cameras' that are supposed to make your business or home suddenly invulnerable to crime. The problem with this logic is that it isn't entirely correct. Cameras do not deter crime, the fear of getting caught does. Unfortunately for home and business owners that are relying on dummy cameras for security is that there is nothing with which to identify these invaders if they are caught because the camera that was supposed to be providing security was a fake. The thing to remember is that cameras in and of themselves are not really crime deterrents. They are not preventative measures at all. Cameras only work to identify those who have already committed the crime rather than frighten off those who may commit the crimes. The only cameras that are effective at catching someone in the act are those that are monitored on the premises with adequate security to not only monitor the cameras but also apprehend the perpetrators. Dummy cameras do not provide any of these services, which renders them fairly useless all around. .....


4. Are Free Security Systems Worth The Money
..... While the title question may be a bit confusing to some, I am quite certain that there are people reading this who understand the question completely. Nothing in this day and age is completely free of charge any more. In fact, those things that advertise their prices as free quite often make up for that and so much more in the end. Ultimately, when it comes to home and business security you will have to decide for yourself if the overall cost is worth the thrown in freebies. When it comes to security however, most competent security services will provide peace of mind that is well worth the eventual price. One thing is certain however-read the small print before you decide to buy, especially when the price is free. Most home and business security systems will allow the equipment to remain as long as they are the monitoring service in question or you have used their service and equipment for a specified amount of time (again read the contract in order to find out the specifics of the company you are considering). .....


5. Are Private Security Firms A Good Plan For Homes And Businesses
..... There are many ways in which a home or business can revamp or overhaul its security protocols. One of these methods is by availing itself of the services of a private security service. Private security was once something that was reserved for larger companies or the fabulously wealthy. Both of which many of us are not. Today, however, private security has an entirely different meaning than it has had in days past. A private security firm for most homes and businesses is simply a service that monitors and responds to reports of problems rather than live guards who actually monitor and secure the property onsite. Most private security firms have employees in a centralized location that monitor video cameras, alarm systems, and combinations of the two from a centralized location and respond to emergencies and potential problems according to the protocols included in the service agreement drawn up and the specifications and desires of the home and/or business owner in any given situation. .....


6. Are Security Bars Worth The Risks
..... There are many things that families and businesses do in order to secure their property across the country and around the world. One measure that is often taken in the name of security is the addition of security bars to doors and windows. Despite the inherent benefits of securing property, these bars often run the risks of endangering the people inside for whom the real home or business security is often sought. One thing remains true, many invaders will keep moving rather than attempt entry into a home that has security bars on doors and windows. Home invasion is almost the only security that these bars provides however and for many, the risks involved in having these bars on windows is not at all worth the small measure of protection that is provided. In other words, the good of these bars is greatly out measured by the negatives of these bars when it comes to insuring the safety of family members or employees inside these buildings. .....


7. Are You Inviting Security Breeches To Your Home Or Business
..... Security is one of the most important things in life in the world of today. Not only do we seek to protect our families but also (as business owners) our employees from unnecessary disruptions in daily lives and exposures to risk. For this reason it is important that we eliminate potential security risks in order to protect all whom we hold near and dear. A proper security system for our homes and businesses is often a good start. There are many reasons why this is important and several reasons in which this could work for the overall good of the family and the working environment. First of all, in a family situation there need to be individual alarm codes that are changed on a regular basis (preferably whenever a teen changes boy/girlfriends or has a falling out with best friends in order to insure maximum safety). In a business setting keycards work well in order to insure that each employee has an identifying and unique code. Many instances of misconduct, theft, and property damage done to businesses each year is the result of disgruntled employees rather than outsiders. .....


8. Brinks Business And Home Security Services
..... Brinks is a name that is often associated with armor truck services for businesses and banks that need to transport large amounts of cash. There is so much more however to the Brinks name when it comes to security. This is definitely a company should not be overlooked when seeking security services. Brinks has much to offer not only the businesses in the area seeking better security methods but also the homes in the area that are attempting to upgrade their security measures in order for families to feel safer. Brinks operates in more than 50 countries around the world and is a leader in the field of home and business security services. In the United States, Brinks is the second largest monitoring service provider for home and business security. Being second in a highly competitive field such as this is definitely an accomplishment to be proud of. .....


9. Comparing Security Companies For Homes And Businesses
..... It doesn't really matter whether you are seeking a home security company for your home or your business. Most will find that the benefits to one, the other, or both are often clearly defined when searching through the materials. What may take a little more work to reason out is the benefit of one company over another in general. Study carefully the information, brochures, and estimates of several different companies, particularly those that are unique to your home and/or business, before deciding which company you are willing to stake the future health and well being of either your family or your business. Prices may differ and are sometimes an indication in the level of service and what you get for your monthly monitoring fees. Other times however the prices aren't really a true indicator of the value as some companies in certain areas simply have lower operating costs than major franchise security and monitoring services for homes and businesses around the world. .....


10. Computer Security For Businesses
..... Many businesses in the world today operate on networked systems that allow shared access of much information in order to streamline various processes. This is a wise decision on behalf of business owners as it saves a lot of time (and time is money in the world of business) that employees would otherwise spend waiting for various files to download onto their individual computer systems. The problem is that this also presents a logistical security nightmare for many reasons. The first reason that often comes to mind is a computer virus. Once one computer in the network is infected it's a very slow business day, week, or month all around and in some cases an extremely expensive problem to fix. Many businesses have established policies in order to minimize these risks. If your business does not have a security protocol in place for not only preventing viruses but also handling the aftermath of viruses, it is time to talk with your IT department or contact an IT specialist from outside the company in order to establish protocols and procedures to combat the risks that viruses pose to productivity and the valuable information held within your companies computer systems. .....


11. Computer Security For Teens At Home
..... We live in a world that is increasingly dependent upon computers and the Internet in order to achieve even the most modest of tasks that once would have taken a drive to the library. This drive to the library could have taken anywhere from a matter of minutes and a cursory glance through the card catalog or hours spent sifting through dusty shelves and outdated collections of books in order to find relevant information to the topic being researched. Unfortunately, the clear advantages of the information age, such as ready access to information twenty four hours a day seven days a week with just the click of a few keys is also proving to be a logistical nightmare when it comes to safeguarding the security of homes and businesses around the world. There is so much information floating around in cyberspace and we unwittingly contribute even more information each and every time we enter a phone number, address, or bank account number into our computers. The problem is that we often need to enter these things in order to get the information or merchandise we require from our computers. .....


12. Creating A Plan For Home And Business Security
..... When it comes to the security of our homes and/or businesses one thing remains true in all instances. When all is said in done, the protection of life far exceeds the need for protection of property though both need to be considered when creating the plan that will protect and secure them both. For this reason, any security plans that are made for home or business need to secure life first and foremost but not relegate property (and information) to the role of afterthought. The best suggestion anyone can give when it comes to securing your home or business is to meet with an expert in the field of security and create a plan that works for your unique situation. Homes are different sizes, shapes, and have different logistical issues from one home to another. The same fact holds true for businesses. No two businesses or homes are exactly alike. This means that each will have its very own individual security needs and challenges. You should also keep in mind that the same security measures that are in place in your business are not always adequate or practical in order to secure your home. .....


13. Do Panic Rooms Provide Home Security
..... There are many things you can do in order to make your home less attractive to intruders. The truth remains however, that there are times when nothing you do will affect whether or not your home will be invaded. It could merely be a moment of chance and your home happened to be in the wrong place on the wrong night of the week. In moments like these, it often doesn't matter whether anyone is home or not. The intruders are going to take what they want and do not care who is harmed in the process. In larger homes that have a lot of ground to cover and many amenities to tempt invaders one increasingly common safeguard is the installation of what is known as a panic room. These rooms are designed as a safe retreat within the home in which the family can meet and be protected from the intruders until help arrives. The idea of a panic room, while relatively new to the average household has been a common theme for homes of the wealthy and famous for quite a while. We are seeing more and more 'normal' homes in America that have these rooms installed however in recent years and the primary reason is the safeguarding of family members in a 'worst case scenario'. .....


14. Do Silent Alarms Really Provide Security For Homes And Businesses
..... Most people who are considering an upgrade in security efforts ask this question. The problem is that the answer isn't a simple yes or no but a very long, drawn, out and complicated answer that is both 'yes' and 'no'. I will explain this below and hope it helps you make the best decision for your home or business security needs. You are the only one that can make the final decision as to whether or not a silent alarm is best for the needs of your home or business. Combined with a monitoring service, a silent alarm can let the monitoring service know immediately that something is rotten in Denmark so to speak. The problem is that it takes time for the security company to respond. Most home and business owners have the option of response by the company in charge of your security system or response by police. There are pros and cons on both sides of the issue. The ultimate answer is that the alarm company representatives are likely to show up in less time than it would take police to respond (intrusions-even for businesses are not a high priority crime these days) but the hired security guards are generally unarmed, somewhat unskilled, and offer very little to deter a determined criminal. .....


15. Emergency Plans Make Important Security Measures For Your Home And Business
..... There are very few people in the world or the United States who are not vulnerable in their homes or businesses to one type of disaster or another. Disaster strikes generally when least expected and not at all prepared for and can have devastating consequences in the toll of human lives, property damage, and the ruin of businesses. Prepare a disaster plan for your home and business in order to maintain as much control of things in this situation as possible. Home or business invasions should first focus on everyone getting out of the house. Whether or not the invader is in the house when this is discovered or not the first order of business needs to be to insure the safety of everyone in the home or business. For both homes and businesses it is best to establish a rendezvous point for this specific situation. Make sure every family member or employee knows where he or she should meet everyone else in the case of a break in. For families with small children it should be something as simple as a neighbor's house for businesses it can be wherever you feel there is a large enough space to accommodate everyone that will need to meet. Businesses should also have a phone call protocol established of those who should be able to call those who do not need to be present initially in order to avoid overwhelming the situation and location with too many people asking questions and wanting answers all at once. .....


16. Exterior Lighting Provides Security For Homes And Businesses
..... We all want to keep our homes and businesses safe and well protected. There are many ways in which this can be accomplished. One, rather simple, method for assisting in this goal is often overlooked by the multitudes but is one of the most effective measures that can be taken in order to protect not only the property from intruders but also to protect those on the property from unnecessary injury due to an inability to see what is going on in the exterior after hours. Seriously, poor lighting can make a home or business a much more attractive target than the house next door which has adequate exterior lighting. Home intruders may on occasion not be the sharpest tools in the shed but those who are successful in this line of work are only successful because they do understand the laws of opportunity. A dark shady area that is concealed from the view of others presents a far more attractive target to would be intruders than a well-lit and revealing access point into a home. .....


17. Nanny Cams For Home And Business Security
..... The term "nanny cam" has become synonymous with hidden cameras. These cameras provide very little real preventative security for homes and businesses but can provide a very credible tool for identifying perpetrators of harm within the home when used properly. These cameras are appropriately named however for their function as a method of keeping an eye on those who are keeping their eyes on your children. For home use, the ability to watch over nannies and caretakers is one of the best reasons to make this sort of investment. One thing you should remember when selecting your camera is that in some states it isn't legal to record speech without the knowledge of the person in question. You should consult with the laws in your state before making the purchase (the retailer where you purchase your nanny cam should be able to inform you of this legality). .....


18. Panic Alarms For Added Security In Homes And Businesses
..... Silent alarms are often thought of as something that is only suitable for banks. The truth is that almost any home or business would do well to have a panic button alarm system in the event of an intrusion, fire, or weather related emergency. Panic alarms come in many shapes and sizes as well as styles. Consider carefully the type of business you operate or the situation within your home before deciding whether or not to incorporate a panic alarm into the security plans for your home or business. Some are simply a means of emitting a powerful and ear piercing alarm. While these are not what this article is recommending to protect a home or business, they can be vital protection devices for personal security while walking, hiking, or biking. They deter criminals if noticed because most criminals do not want to draw attention to themselves and often frighten them away when committing a crime because they do make a spectacle of everyone involved. This is a situation that is bad for business for most purse-snatchers or people snatchers and will often frighten them away. .....


19. Paper Trails Lead To Security Nightmares
..... While it isn't all about the paper these days there is much security that is lost on a regular basis through the use of paper. Even utility bills in this day and age can leave identity thefts with plenty of information necessary in order to acquire the documentation necessary to pretend to be you or one of your employees in some cases. The paper that is innocently thrown away each and every year provides those who would steal your identify from you the ammunition with which to do just that. Unfortunately, identity theft doesn't begin to cover the nightmares that can be accomplished by allowing slips of paper to fall into the wrong hands. There is a reason that Enron has become almost synonymous with paper shredding. They were at the very least well aware of the risks that documentation posed to their efforts of covering up the crimes they had committed against their company, their employees, and the faith many Americans have in their employers. Those documents were the equivalent of a 'smoking gun' and the best solution they had available to them was a paper shredder. .....


20. Pros And Cons Of Hidden Surveillance Cameras
..... Hidden surveillance cameras are more common around the world than most of us realize. They can be found in bus stops, convenience stores, fast food restaurants, homes, and ATM machines on almost every continent. These cameras are often fed into video recording devices though on occasion they are monitored by real life security personnel in order to deter crimes and rapidly identify offenders. Chances are fairly certain that if you've been in any casino in the modern world that you have been carefully scrutinized on camera. Actually, chances are that if you've been almost anywhere in America your image has been captured by a hidden surveillance camera somewhere along the way. Among the reasons for the extreme popularity and wide use of these cameras for both home and business security purposes are the facts that they are small, they do not take up a lot of real estate, they are not obvious, and they are quite affordable when compared to other security methods. However monitored surveillance methods are more costly, for those who would require this type of monitoring it is well worth the price. These cameras are as effective in small 'mom and pop' type stores and restaurants around the country as they are in identifying those who break into homes that have these cameras. .....


21. Safes Add Another Layer Of Security To Homes And Businesses
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22. Security Measures For Small Businesses
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23. Technology Adds Security To Home And Business Door Locks
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24. The Advantages Of Monitored Home And Business Security
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25. Why Select Monitored Security For Your Home Or Business
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